New Nordic Poling (NNP) er en sammenslutning af syv aktivistiske poledansere, som ”Poler 4 Change”.
Forestillingen udspiller sig til NNP’s årsmøde for potentielle nye medlemmer, hvor gruppens (selvbestaltede) dokumentarfilm RADIKAL OMFAVNELSE har verdenspremiere. Publikum er med, når sammenslutningen laver bannere, udfordrer aktivistnetværket Extinction rebellion til 1. maj-festen i Sydhavnen, og når de tager på dannelsesrejse til Svalbard for at pole at the melting pole med deres nye transportable pole-stang.
I et intimt og let interaktivt setup, der kombinerer live action med filmvisning, følger publikum NNP’s op- og nedture, når de forsøger at leve som de prædiker og finde deres identitet. NEW NORDIC POLING handler om klima, kapitalisme og dekolonialisering og de udfordringer, en kunstaktivistisk gruppe konfronteres med i en kompleks verden. Om håbløshed, kampgejst og søgen efter den (u)mulige kollektive mening.
New Nordic Poling (NNP) is a movement of seven activist pole dancers who are “Poling 4 Change.”
The performance unfolds at NNP’s annual recruitment meeting, where their self-initiated documentary, RADICAL EMBRACE, has its world premiere. The audience follows the movement as they create banners, challenge Extinction Rebellion on May 1st in Sydhavnen, and set off on a journey to Svalbard to “pole at the melting pole” with their new portable pole.
In an immersive setup—blending live action with film screening—the audience follows NNP’s highs and lows as they strive to “practice what they preach” and define their identity. New Nordic Poling explores climate, capitalism, and decolonization and the challenges faced by an art-activist group in a complex world. It is about hopelessness, resilience, and the (im)possible pursuit of collective meaning.
Spilletid / When
kl. 20.00 / 20.00
Sted / Where
Varighed / Duration
1 time og 45 min. / 1 hour and 45 minutes
Sprog / Language
Engelsk / English
Idé, koncept og instruktion / Idea, concept and directing
Lena Bruun Bondeson / Lena Bruun Bondeson
Skabt af og med / Created and performed by
Louisa Yaa Aisin (interdisciplinary artist and consultant), Lena Bruun Bondeson (theaterdirector and performer), Eng Kai Er (choreographer), Malik Grosos (performer and multimediedesigner), Anna Kuusamo (performer), Lara Vejrup Ostan (choreographer) and Angelica Stathopoulos (philosopher and writer) / Louisa Yaa Aisin (interdisciplinary artist and consultant), Lena Bruun Bondeson (theaterdirector and performer), Eng Kai Er (choreographer), Malik Grosos (performer and multimediedesigner), Anna Kuusamo (performer), Lara Vejrup Ostan (choreographer) and Angelica Stathopoulos (philosopher and writer)
Filminstruktør og PR / Video directing and PR
Lena Bruun Bondeson / Lena Bruun Bondeson
Videoredigering og plakatdesign / Video editing and poster
Malik Grosos / Malik Grosos
Producent / producer
Lena Bruun Bondeson assisteret af Lara Ostan Vejrup / Lena Bruun Bondeson assisted by Lara Ostan Vejrup
Produceret af / produced by
KOMMA Performance Productions