City Layers


Foto af Lasse Mouritzen

In "City Layers" we invite the audience to join us on a walk through past and present layers of Sydhavnen. Guided by the performer, who will act as a conduit, as a medium, as a host for the space and its histories, we will explore the newly built apartment complexes and the building sites and will convene with ghosts of the site. What is hiding underneath? What is erased?

The city tissue is changing rapidly - we will remember the mundane and instrumental events of this area, the human and non-human traces, so that these memories may resurface and entwine with the future of the harbour, so that we may reveal the uniqueness of the area.

In "City Layers" we invite the audience to join us on a walk through past and present layers of Sydhavnen. Guided by the performer, who will act as a conduit, as a medium, as a host for the space and its histories, we will explore the newly built apartment complexes and the building sites and will convene with ghosts of the site. What is hiding underneath? What is erased?

The city tissue is changing rapidly - we will remember the mundane and instrumental events of this area, the human and non-human traces, so that these memories may resurface and entwine with the future of the harbour, so that we may reveal the uniqueness of the area.

Spilletid / When

Tirs - ons kl. 17.00 og 19.00 / Tues - Wed 17.00 & 19.00

Spillested / Where

Enghave Brygge Station / Enghave Brygge Station

Varighed / Duration

45 minutter / 45 minutes

Sprog / Language

Engelsk / English

Koncept, koreografer og medvirkende / CONCEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE

Madeleine Cole & Aleksandra Lewon / Madeleine Cole & Aleksandra Lewon

Danser / Performer

Madeleine Cole / Madeleine Cole

Scenograf / Scenographer

Aleksandra Lewon / Aleksandra Lewon

Tekst af / Text by

Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes & Axelle Grégoire & Feral Atlas (PIPE, Feral Atlas, Terra Forma, Mapping Ruined Soils - Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes & Axelle Grégoire) / Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes & Axelle Grégoire & Feral Atlas (PIPE, Feral Atlas, Terra Forma, Mapping Ruined Soils - Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes & Axelle Grégoire)

Producent / Producer

Lasse Mouritzen / Lasse Mouritzen

Fotograf / Photographer

Lasse Mouritzen / Lasse Mouritzen